
《纪伯伦散文-流浪者》查看《纪伯伦散文-流浪者》书评和最新更新以及相关书籍推荐请到《纪伯伦散文-流浪者》专题网址http://www.1.com/sanwen/2760/ 流浪者 ~小 说t xt 天,堂 流浪者 我在十字路口遇见他,一个光穿一件披风,技一根拐杖的人,脸上蒙着一层痛苦之纱。我们互相致意问好,我向他说:来我家里来做客吧?"他就来了。 我的妻和我的孩子们在大门口迎接我们,他对她们莞尔微笑.她们欢迎他的光临。 我们一同坐下来就餐。同这个人在一起,我们感到愉快,因为他身上自有一种沉静和一种神秘。 wWw:xiaoshuotxt?com 衣衫(Garments) !小@说#txt$天^堂& 衣衫(garments) 有一天,美和丑在海边邂逅,他们互相怂恿:"咱们到海里去游泳吧。 于是他们脱下衣衫,在海水里游泳。过了一会儿,丑回到海岸穿上本来属于美的衣衫,径自走他的路了。 接着美也从海里出来了,找不到她自己的衣衫,她又太羞怯,不敢赤身裸体,于是她只好给自己穿上本来属于丑的衣衫。美也径自走她的路了。 所以,直至今日,世上的男男女女,错把丑当作美、美当作丑。 然而,有些人看见过美的真面目,尽管她穿错了衣服,他们还是能认出她来。有些人认得丑的真面目,衣衫蒙骗不了他们的眼睛。 garments upon a day beauty and ugliness met on the shore of a sea. and they said to one another, "let us bathe in the sea." then they disrobed and swam in the waters. and after a while ugliness came back to shore and garmented himself with the garments of beauty and walked away. and beauty too came out of the sea, and found not her raiment, and she was too shy to be naked, therefore she dressed herself with the raiment of ugliness. and beauty walked her way. and to this very day men and women mistake the one for the other. yet some there are who have beheld the face of beauty, and they know her notwithstanding her garments. and some there be who know the face of ugliness, and the cloth conceals him not from their eyes. www-xiaoshuotxt-c o m 鹰和云雀(The Eagle And The Skylark) 。小_说_txt天堂 鹰和云雀(the eagle and the skylark) 一头鹰和一只云雀在一座高山的一块岩石上相遇。云雀说:"祝您早安,先生。"鹰鄙夷地瞧着云雀,有气无力地说道:"早晨好。" 云雀说:"我祝愿您万事大吉,先生。" "是啊,"鹰说,"我们是